Boston Region Vision Zero Action Plan

A roadmap to safer streets

Over the past 5 years, crashes on our roads have killed or seriously injured over 1,000 people per year. We’re dedicated to changing that trend, and Vision Zero is the way to do it. The Boston Region Vision Zero Action Plan will chart a course towards safer, healthier, and more equitable mobility for all road users.

Vision Zero is an internationally recognized strategy that declares that no death or serious injury on our streets is acceptable and that we can proactively prevent traffic crashes. Vision Zero is grounded in the principles of:

  • Political commitment to achieve zero traffic fatalities and severe injuries among all road users 

  • Multidisciplinary leadership accomplished through collaboration among multiple community stakeholders 

  • Equitable outcomes and the provision of safe transportation options for all road users in all parts of our region 

  • Data-based decision making guided by analyzing and sharing reliable data to understand and prioritize traffic safety issues based on the greatest need and impacts 

  • Community engagement through public meetings, focus groups, online surveys, and other feedback opportunities 

  • Transparency including regular updates on progress on the Action Plan

Coming Soon

  • A public survey

  • An interactive map where you can submit transportation safety challenges and suggested solutions

  • Visit the Stay in Touch page to sign up to receive the latest news and events!